Wednesday, December 30, 2015

A Brand New Year

Hello 2016! I hope this is a year filled with lots of playing, painting, patience and perseverance! 

This past year was also filled with Hellos! Hello to little Roger, hello to a brand new house for Jane and family, hello to golf (although this particular hello was more like a re-introduction), hello to new friends, and hello to blogging.

A new year gives us the opportunity to reflect and make improvements and changes in whatever is important to ourselves and hopefully this can transfer to a whole host of fantastic outcomes in our lives. 

My list of improvements are always long; hopefully I will say hello to a healthier new me! This includes lots of painting, yoga, walking, making new friends and caring for those friends who make everyday special for me. Laugh, love and live! My new mantra.

Until next time...happy creating 


Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas

I hope your day is filled with joy, love and peace!
My next post will be in 2016!

Until next time...happy creating


Saturday, December 19, 2015

Frosting Success

Apart from creating a Christmas card (or in reality, hasty note cards), I wanted to decorate sugar cookies with panache.

After many past disasters that I didn't want to repeat, I did some research on the Internet. Here is what I discovered.....

First step, bake some yummy sugar cookies...I wanted a simple design, I chose the snowflake, a nice simple easy decoration because each cookie can be different. 

I wanted to use a frosting without eggs and that would also dry and harden with a nice shine. 
The frosting recipe is
1/4 cup warm water
1 teaspoon of almond extract
2 tablespoons of light corn syrup
3 cups of icing sugar
Mix all together until desired consistency. Then I divided the icing up into tightly sealed containers.

Second step, to outline the cookies with frosting. I chose a soft pastel blue..I had the little ones in mind with the theme from Frozen. They are going to love them!

Third step, is to float that same colour of pale blue in the centre of each cookie. I added a little bit of water that would allow the icing to float. I tried spooning the icing in and spreading it around to cover the entire centre of the cookie evenly. Not so easy and very messy, I was getting icing everywhere! So I took some advice from the Internet, I can't remember the site now, but one post suggested using a squeeze bottle....Yes, in a controlled fashion I could float the icing into every cookie, evenly, without any waste or icing drips all over the table.

I let this dry hard, overnight before continuing. 

Fourth step, make this design into a snowflake and so pretty to look at.
So I used the plain white, but the first couple of cookies were too thin, so I thicken the icing up, but it was too thick and I couldn't get the icing out of the icing bag. Back to adding a touch more water
And voila, I had the right consistency. Here is the photo of the finished snowflake cookies, I think the girls are going to love eating them right up!

Although there were lots of steps, letting each step harden is the secret to a successful outcome.
Next cookie holiday is Valentine's...I can't wait...
Until next time...happy creating


Thursday, December 17, 2015

No Posts This Week

As my middle grandchild would say, "I'm a little bit sick, Nana"; as a result I've not been up to feeling well enough to create any thing at all this week.

Hopefully, I'll be feeling more like my old self for a creative post next week.

Until next time....happy creating


Friday, December 11, 2015

Nana's Little Helper

One thing I learned when visiting my grandchildren last week was, if they see you being creative they catch the "creative bug" as well.

So I present my oldest granddaughter's masterpiece and mine....she just loves sparkly markers....

Until next time...happy creating

Monday, December 7, 2015

Children and the Magic of Christmas

I just had one of the best weekends with my grandchildren. Well that's not totally true because I have had many. However, this weekend was so enjoyable because the Christmas season really got underway. I was there to witness and participate in all the excitement, wonderment and joy. We strung outdoor lights in the rain, decorated a gingerbread house watched Christmas movies and had a tree trimming party with very fancy dresses. This will be the first Christmas in their new house, the baby's first Christmas and how the magic of the season brings pure joy and awe in a five and three year old.
This weekend was better than I expected and I was so happy to be a part of the celebration. Now I don't feel so bad about missing Christmas's impossible to arrive early enough to witness "Santa's generosity" anyway!

Until next time....happy creating

Monday, November 30, 2015


I'm still working on the greeting card. I've tried larger watercolour poinsettias, mini watercolour poinsettias and all sorts of various Christmas trees and stamping with words, penguins....

So here are two possibilities..first one is a large watercolour....the second is a zen tangled version...

Until next time.....happy creating


Friday, November 27, 2015

Christmas Greetings...Under Construction

I've spent almost everyday since the weekend working on the Christmas Greeting Card for this year. I've come up with a few possibilities and loads of failures. I'm still working on the idea, stay are four examples...but I'm still working on this project...

until next time...happy creating


Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Christmas Greetings

Every year at this time I always think...."Why not create our own Christmas Greeting Cards"? and I never do; this time of year seems to be overwhelming with Christmas that I have a hard time focusing on being creative.  We will be sending fewer cards to family and friends, so I really wanted them to be special and unique. So today I've started playing around with some simple ideas with watercolours....I just want love and simplicity to convey our Christmas Blessing to our friends and family....I will keep you posted.

Until next time....happy creating


Friday, November 20, 2015

My Eyes Adore You

Today I spent time with my beloved, Bryce, driving him for his last cataract surgery. I'm/we are so glad this process is almost over. He has spent the last three weeks recovering from the first cataract surgery to now....tons of drops a zillion times a day, by Christmas this will all be in our past.

He will be "seeing clearly" by then. I love technology!!! The amazing medical miracles that can be done on a person in a very short period of time is remarkable.

Thank you for all your creative ideas that bring "new" ways into our everyday life.

Until next time.....happy creating.


Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Raining Cats and Dogs

It's November and the rains have's darker out, the sky is gray and wetter for sure. We do live in Victoria and expect some rain in November and December, but to me it seems we are getting a bit more this year! Yuck! Also, the terrorist attack in Paris have just left me feeling heavier in my heart and mind. Overall, I'm in a more reflective state rather than a creative one at this time.

Until next time....

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Have Courage

I thought that I would try a process with an art journal page(s). Hope this helps with anyone out there with "white page syndrome"!

I started this piece with a page coated with gesso, threw down some yellow and blue acrylics, lots of water, smugged the pages together and let dry.
Stage 1....lots of colour....

Then I glued some torn stripes of paper down, then stencilled with gesso a pattern of small rectangles. Let dry completely.

Stage 2....add lots of texture.....

I'm really liking the white polka dots peaking through. 

I decided to add some circles. I have these Faber-Castel gelatos, so I thought "let's use these to outline the circles". Also I sprayed some Dylusions along with water to help it drip down the page.  I didn't start out with a plan or a specific idea, but as one works with the piece, usually an idea will appear! I'm really happy with the progress....still waiting for the magicical "theme". One thing to remember is to apply a coat of clear gesso in order to write on top of the surface.

So here is the finished piece.

Until next....happy creating

Thursday, November 5, 2015


I consider myself to be in the most perfect time of my life's journey. I'm young enough to reap the benefits of hard work, yet wise enough to know myself and my own limitations.

I've just spent the most amazing 5 days with my two lovely granddaughters. I personally was too tired to do much creating of a "painterly" nature...but I made up for it by baking witches fingers, cupcakes, carving pumpkins and letting the girls use my art supplies! What a rewarding experience this was and I would jump at the chance to do this again!

I was going through some art journal pages that I had completed earlier in the year and these two pages sum up my feelings of the week! "Measure everyday with joy and love".

I am so blessed...and I give thanks, everyday! I wish the two pages would fit side by side; just another learning curve......

Until next time....happy creating

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Little Gems

There are lots of times when paintings and good ideas just don't pan out and are unsuitable for completion. Instead of tossing these pieces into the recycle bin, I cut the whole painting up (usually a sheet of watercolour paper) into small 5" x 3.5" or 4" pieces. Then I just gather them all up and set aside until I need a handmade card.

These little gems come in handy for backgrounds, add ons and full mini paintings. I get to create a unique, one of a kind, mini work of art that can be made into a card that is personal and contains a little piece of you.

Here is a sample of one of my "little gems" before and after.

Until next time....happy creating


Saturday, October 31, 2015

The week that was

What can I say, I've had an amazing week with my two granddaughters. We have had a week of birthdays ( Pappy), then Halloween, then France's birthday. Mom and Dad were away at a wedding in I had an amazing time with my girls. 
Tonite is Halloween and the girls dressed up as Rapinzal and Merida, Roger, a bear cub, we are all very excited. Anyway as it happened I don't have a lot of "creative" stuff happen right now. My older granddaughter however did do a few pieces, I hope you enjoy them..

Until next time....happy creating

Monday, October 26, 2015


I'm in Vancouver staying with my granddaughters (ages 3 and 5) while parents and baby brother are in Ontario. My suitcase is stuffed with art supplies, washi tape, paint, brushes, paper....the list is quite extensive, because everyday we will be creating something. Who needs a lot of clothes when art supplies are a priority. It's Pappy's birthday on Friday, Halloween on Saturday and little France's will be 3 on Sunday.... So we have lots of creating to do this week! I hope to share some happy memories!

Until next time......happy creating

Thursday, October 22, 2015

My Ode To Paris

I sketched a lot in Paris and have great memories. However I really wanted to create a "mixed media art journal page" to reflect my memories while in Paris. I love all the "red"; it just shows how I much I really loved being there! I would visit Paris again in a heartbeat.

Until next time...happy creating


Monday, October 19, 2015


I was very disappointed with the outcome of the mixed media, watercolour, "Just Breathe" of the last post. This was done on Fluid Watercolour Paper, cold press, 140 lb. The colours were very muted...the piece just had no impact for me.

I was playing around in my mixed media, Canson, 98 lb sketchbook and had a page all ready with gesso. So, after quirting the page with clean water; I used fresh, right out of the tube Rembrandt watercolours of turquoise blue and bright yellow and watched the colours run and merge together, keeping all the brightness of the colours. I was so excited and the result was what I was looking for. This was the first time I had ever used the Rembrandt I plan to work with them again very soon.

I'm still not crazy about my hand lettering/writing...but I intend to continue in order to find my "style" because I don't want to depend on my printer. As it turns printer is now broken!

Until next time...happy creating

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Giving Thanks

As I reflect on this past weekend, filled with family, food and fun, I realize that I have so much to be thankful for. I am blessed with overwhelming love for my grandchildren, my children, my husband of 38 years, my siblings as well as my extended family....friends....the endless.

I have a home filled with love. I am "thankful" everyday for all the blessings that God has given me.

Happy creating...until next time


Saturday, October 10, 2015

Family Time

Hi sorry I'm late again, only by one day, however we have the whole family here from Vancouver. 

Not only I am still on European time, I am cooking up a storm for my lovely family. This gives me so much pleasure and to see the wee ones and to spend a few days with them is awesome!

I am so grateful for the travel times and mostly, the family times......Happy Thanksgiving to all of you...

Until next time....happy creating.


Wednesday, October 7, 2015

There's No Place Like Home

I do love to travel and see new cultures but I have to admit the days spent going and coming are not my favourite parts. However, after one arrives at the desired destination it's so full of promise; exploring and being lost without a map is normal and the adventure is on!

Dorothy, from the Wizard of Oz, got it so right, "There's no place like home"!

oops, I'm brain dead and forgot to publish this post yesterday...sorry!

Until next time...happy creating!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Good for Gaudi

Here I am in Barcelona; the architecture here is awesome. I just can't get over the beauty and over the top detail taken in every building that I come across. The only "must see" tourist event that I wanted to visit was the Parc Guell. The park is mostly public and free to roam it's perimeter; the monument is affordable to visit for 7 € and well worth to see the beginnings of a failed community and Gaudi's dream. The influence that Gaudi and other architects had in the city of Barcelona are evident all throughout the city....truly amazing to see in person.
Here are a couple of outstanding examples of Gaudi's work at Parc Guell..
Good for you Antoni Gaudi for showing us there are loads of possibilities!

Until next time....happy creating

Monday, September 28, 2015

Goodbye France....Hello Barcelona

We have arrived in Barcelona it took us all day from Amboise, France by train to Paris then on the Metro to the airport...our flight was delayed and it was well after my bedtime by the time we arrived at the hotel in the heart of Barcelona.
I spent the past weekend painting and sketching in Amboise; enjoyed the sunny warm days and tried to absorb all things French.
I have included two more sketches of the The Belfry (done on watercolour paper) and Bigot Pastissere.
Both of these city structures are at the heart of Amboise. Hopefully on Friday I will have some interesting sketches of Barcelona.
Thank you for your support and taking the time out of your busy day to read my blog.
Happy creating....until next time


Thursday, September 24, 2015

My Escape In France

A long time ago I had a vision that someday I would spend 3-6 months in a little village in the south of France; painting and drawing.....learning a new language and just enjoying the French culture and history.

I believe my vision to escape to France has come true. It may not be for 3 or 6 months but hey, I'm not going to complain if I can sketch and draw for 6 days I feel that I have arrived. That time is now and is not to be wasted. I'm taking this may never happen again. The following photographs are not great, but a girl has to work with what she's got! I have been sketching a lot and it's very hard to choose what to include.....

Happy creating...until next time

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Practice and Perspective

Yesterday I found myself feeling discouraged with a sketch...just couldn't get that perspective right!

Paris is a huge city with people all around; I found that I was able to focus for short bursts at a time. The buildings and street scenes appear busy and overwhelming most of the time; so focusing on a smaller section and build the sketch from there seemed to help me out.

Now that life is quieter and the pace is slower in Amboise, I am hoping to practice sketching perspective more! At least that is the intent! There are so fabulous views and subject matter that I
Would love to capture not only on camera but in my sketches. So today, no matter what I need to sketch something and leave it in the sketchbook, it's all part of my creative journey!

My perspective of the Chateaux Amboise.

Happy creating...until next time

Friday, September 18, 2015

Monet and Me

I don't have a PhD or a Masters in art history, Impressionism or in gardening...but I do love all do these creative outlooks. I have come to realize that creativity and me have always been Cinderella spirits!

Today, when I first stepped into this tiny village of Giverny, my first thought  was that nothing much had changed in the last 150 years. Then I thought, "Why wasn't this place more developed, exploited and built up like Graceland was for Elvis?" And next came, "How did the local community prevent the expansion of growth especially with the great explosion around Impressionism in the art world"?

I was about to enter into another time - Monet's Home and his gardens. I could hardly contain my excitement. Here was a man that wanted his children to grow and learn in a beautiful environment and a place where he could paint whatever was blooming at the time. That garden would become an obsession as well as his painting of those same gardens. The image that Monet had, a riot of colour in an organized manner, was so unusual in a time of clipped and sculpted hedges. He simply broke free!  For me, it was a joy to see it, walk it and breathe it! What a fabulous day - even the rain held off! Yupee for us..

I've included a small sketch of the Staff Quarter's at the Baudy Hotel in Giverny.

Happy creating...Until next time....

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Paris and Us

The best part of today was waking up in Paris. I can't believe just a week ago I was reflecting on going back to school and birthdays and here I am with the love of life in the "city of love".

We had an amazing day. First of all the rain stopped and the sun broke out, so immediately after breakfast we visited the Rodin Museum. The gardens were beautiful and the highlights were two of Rodin's  famous sculptures; The Thinker and The Gates of Hell. It truly is amazing to see all that emotion cast in bronze.

We walked down the des Champs-Élysées and window shopped at all the upscale stores including Laduree. We climbed to the top of the Arc de Triomphe to take in the spectacular views of Paris. Very impressive...and our bodies didn't rebel too much! We have been navigating the Metro and doing such a fine job of it, we decided let's have lunch in Montmartre! We were off once again!

After lunch we toured around Montmartre and just enjoyed another neighbourhood around Paris.  It doesn't take a lot of thinking to know how beautiful and unique Paris is.

until next time...

Friday, September 11, 2015

Friday, France and Fabulous

Today I'm housekeeping, emptying the fridge and packing up for yet another fabulous adventure! My husband and I are travelling to France, visiting Paris, Amboise and a number of other destinations in France still to be determined; and finally spending our last week in Barcelona, Spain.

I'm very excited to say the least.  Imagine spending your birthday month in a place that embraces
all things decedent; art, wine, cheese,'s wonderful.

In response to all this pending excitement and to calm myself; I journaled a mixed media be completed after our visit to France. Here is a peek!

Happy creating....until the next time


Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Today is my birthday and back to school for thousands of students. This day, in particular, conjures up many images for me from the time I can remember. Rarely it is a sad memory; but instead memories of great excitement and anticipation involving the return to the classroom and seeing my friends.  My oldest granddaughter starts her first day of school this week, making new friends, meeting her teacher and growing up so fast. A new chapter in her life begins, how exciting is that!

Fall is definitely in the air and often that means the flowers are finishing and the harvest is winding down after a bountiful summer crop.  However I just love the roses that are in bloom now...bright and fragrant that remind us that there is beauty all around us no matter what time of year it is.

I feel very blessed in my life...and for all the adventures that lies ahead of me.

Happy creating....until next time.


Friday, September 4, 2015

No Excuses

I gave myself permission not to blog during our family vacation knowing that I wouldn't have the time let alone the energy, however I am reevaluating that decision. My blog is about doing just what I am able to at that moment with no added pressure. The process is about the "journey" of creating not producing masterpieces every day or every time I want to post a story. Originally I committed to blogging twice a week (Tuesday and Friday); I am re-committing to this original schedule as this will show a true "creative journey" that anyone can start or do. So in conclusion, no more excuses.

I did manage to "create" a little on our family vacation and I shared this venture with my grandchildren. (Small watercolour sketches on Qualicum Beach (10" x 7"). How sweet is that! Note to's the journey that matters no matter how big or small.

Until next time....happy creating

Qualicum Beach looking towards Lasqueti and Texanda Islands

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

A Touch of Orange

I've been away with the family on a result, I've been way too busy to blog.

Today is September 1st; summer is disappearing all too quickly however, my favourite time of year has got to be the fall. The air is crisp as is the ground we walk upon. The colours are warm, full of yellows, oranges and reds. The city and country markets have an incredible array of produce to temp our tastebuds. My sketchbook reflects all of this.

Today, I've included a little peek! Now I just have to figure out how to turn this image around!

Happy creating...until next time....

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Just Doodle

Hi everyone. I've been busy working a lot these days and have not had a lot of time to paint and draw - so whenever that happens I just doodle.

Doodling is very relaxing. It's hard to believe, but if you have never done it - just try it out! I couldn't believe how beautiful my doodles turned out.

Have a great day creating! Until next time....


Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Let It Go!

A couple of weeks ago a friend asked if I would help her create a large (48"x36") abstract canvas. I said "of course". So to make a long story short, we got together, figured out a few criteria. The first being, it had to have lots of texture; second, was to narrow down three main colours and thirdly, the painting had to be abstract.
Simple, right!
The pour with fluid acrylics.
 The first major hurdle was to get rid of all that pristine white canvas. We did a pour with fluid acrylics; we used tons of water to move the paint around and then simply let it dry.
Cheese cloth and tissue paper.
 Then after working on the piece with lots of darks, mid tones and lights with layers of paint, we added texture. Simply by adhering the cheese cloth and tissue paper to the canvas using matte medium.

Drips and dribbles
 Now that the texturized portion of the painting was fired we added more depth with the use of darks and adding more blues with mid tones allowing the paint to drip down the piece creating more depth.

We decided it was a good time for lunch. My friend made a lovely spinach/strawberry salad, my favourite along with some fancy cheese, crackers and bread. Dessert was divine...and oh so delicious.

Now it was back to the studio (aka "the garage"). The paint was completely dry now. Onto the next stage - maybe the final stage of this piece, one never knows until the painting speaks to you.

We continued to add more texture by using a spattering technique...not too much. Then the final stage was the addition of an iridescent gold colour.

The finish painting!

I am so proud of my friend to take this risk of trying something totally new, scary and definitely out of her comfort zone. We collaborated together and together created something unique, original and beautiful.

Thank you my friend for giving me the opportunity to share this experience with you. Now all we need to do is to come up with a name deserving of this piece.

Happy creating....until next time!


Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Let's Begin

I visited a friend today who just wanted a large (36"x 48") canvas painted in her colours, abstract and fun. This was her project...and I just wanted to support her. It's a huge undertaking, however I knew that this was not as easy as she was thinking.

In my thoughts in starting this blog...was exactly encourage people to feel it, think it and then just "do it"...paint, draw, knit whatever causes you to want to "do". I had a great morning..the biggest fear we all have is the "fear of failing"...

There are no mistakes in the art that you want to create. Just allow yourself to "begin" and "be free".

Happy creating everyone...


Sunday, August 2, 2015

A Slow Start

I was aiming to start on August 1, however life sometimes just gets in the way. A great opportunity to visit my son on Salt Spring Island with a friend came along...and well my priorities changed. Family and friends come first in my life.

I got a whole lot of "creativity" energy during this I'm ready to share lots of future sketches and paintings. I feel that we all have creativity within; sometimes we just have to stop, be still and our inner self.

I plan to post an image or two along with a "few" words; a couple of times a week - Tuesdays and Fridays are my choices for now. I don't see myself as a writer, however I hope to improve during this opportunity.

So if you happen to stop by, you can contact me at -

It's a great day here..sunny and warm

Love to all,
