Friday, May 26, 2017

Letting Go

Now I do know a thing or two about letting go. I've moved a lot, like a lot...lost count. I have walked for 30 days across Spain and I have just completed the Inca Trail! Yup, I know a lot about letting go!

I did the contour drawing, then coloured it in with watercolours. Journaled over that gorgeous
outcome, messed up the beautiful work...but continued on with the process. Covered up the words with a couple of lovely acrylic paint and went back again a redrew another contour drawing and then painted that in...a long process, lots of layers and the outcome...just ok.

Until next time...happy creating

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Feeling a Touch of Creativity

Yup, I'm getting back at it. The beauty of Life Book is that something interesting always arrives on Monday in your inbox. No thinking required. Just my speed right now!

It's been a tad crazy since I returned home. We put an offer on a condo in Ottawa. Yup, we are relocating once again, but this time I insisted on purchasing something, I am tired of living on the edge of "?"

Plus yesterday, Bryce and I celebrated 41 years of togetherness! I just wanted a drink at the Empress. The Victorian Gin Special was wonderful.

This piece of art was done on 140 lbs. watercolour paper. It was to be done on small canvas board with a watercolour ground, but I decided to just divide the paper into smaller sections, forget the w/c ground and just paint around the Indian Ink. Lots of fun. Abstract painting with minimal colours. Thanks to Melissa Dinwiddie (Less is More: The Healing Power of Intuitive Minimalism).

Six Dancers

Until next time....happy creating

Saturday, May 20, 2017

I Survived!

I survived the four day trek to the "Lost Inca City of Machu Picchu"! Our guides were fantastic. They were so supportive to ensure that you were successful. I was by far the "oldest" woman on the trek (that's never happened before - being the oldest at anything!) and I finished strong! Immediately followed by tears and emotion. I gave every ounce I had.

A big thank you goes to my wonderful sister Laura, who waited for me at all the check points. Together, we conquered the mountains. I couldn't have done this endurance test, trek without her! The views were breathtaking and the same time the steps and climbs took your breath away! The people of Peru were lovely and I have wonderful memories of a lifetime! What an experience!
The prize - Machu Picchu

One of the fantastic views just before entering the "Sun Gate"

The trail was always interesting....

The views were awesome!!!

Hopefully by next week I will be back to normal and create something awesome.

Until next time....happy creating

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

My Intuitive Warrior

Ok in this week's lesson on Life Book is to bring out this Warrior Women; I just don't have a "warrior" inside of me. I have lots of other issues...but I don't feel Warrior Women is one of them. Basically the lesson is to "listen" to your "intuition" and then to "take action".

My "warrior women" is kindness, gentle and loving. So, as I tried the exercise in visualization to meet my Warrior Women; to visualize my travelling down a path, perhaps through a forest and then coming out into a meadow...I just felt warmth and love and saw beauty everywhere.

So my women, emerged as a "beautiful goddess" holding up "crystals of light" (representing snow) and "love" surrounded by the beauty of a spring meadow; all for the world to see and take.

Until next time....happy creating

PS: I won't be posting for the next couple of weeks, as I will be traveling to Peru and I am not taking any computer devices with me. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers as I hike the Inca Trail.