Friday, September 28, 2018

Arteast "Open Studio"

Yesterday I attended my first "Open Studio" with members of Arteast. A great friendly group of folks of all ages. I really enjoyed myself.

My big creation was more of a "doodling" style or "mark" making as I wanted to engage in conversations and no over stress myself.
"Eye of the Storm"

Last Friday we had 3 major tornadoes touch down in the Ottawa Gatineau area. We were very lucky and suffered no effects.

Until next time....happy creating

Friday, September 7, 2018

It Begins

Yes, that's right, it begins. It's fall, it's time to get "right too it" and I have begun yet another of the "Birch Series". This one is for my sister Laura. She really wanted something as a "statement" over her stairway. So this piece will be "60 x 36"... this is the Beginning!
For Laura - not yet named

Until next time...happy creating

Tuesday, September 4, 2018


There is something "new" and "fresh" that happens to me in September. Usually the heat and humidity of summer is pasted or a least almost over; the kiddos return to the rhythm of a new school year and I get to turn another year older. I start to thinking a lot of my past memories of school starting, new teachers, making new friends and broadening my knowledge. My three grandchildren set out this morning with this excitement and promise and I wish them a fabulous year ahead!

This year I will begin by entering a painting into the Arteast Ottawa Juried Awards. I'm very excited about showing for the first time in my new city as well as participating in an artist community. Lots await for my "new year"!

Unit next time....happy creating