Monday, December 7, 2015

Children and the Magic of Christmas

I just had one of the best weekends with my grandchildren. Well that's not totally true because I have had many. However, this weekend was so enjoyable because the Christmas season really got underway. I was there to witness and participate in all the excitement, wonderment and joy. We strung outdoor lights in the rain, decorated a gingerbread house watched Christmas movies and had a tree trimming party with very fancy dresses. This will be the first Christmas in their new house, the baby's first Christmas and how the magic of the season brings pure joy and awe in a five and three year old.
This weekend was better than I expected and I was so happy to be a part of the celebration. Now I don't feel so bad about missing Christmas's impossible to arrive early enough to witness "Santa's generosity" anyway!

Until next time....happy creating

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