Monday, November 30, 2015


I'm still working on the greeting card. I've tried larger watercolour poinsettias, mini watercolour poinsettias and all sorts of various Christmas trees and stamping with words, penguins....

So here are two possibilities..first one is a large watercolour....the second is a zen tangled version...

Until next time.....happy creating


Friday, November 27, 2015

Christmas Greetings...Under Construction

I've spent almost everyday since the weekend working on the Christmas Greeting Card for this year. I've come up with a few possibilities and loads of failures. I'm still working on the idea, stay are four examples...but I'm still working on this project...

until next time...happy creating


Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Christmas Greetings

Every year at this time I always think...."Why not create our own Christmas Greeting Cards"? and I never do; this time of year seems to be overwhelming with Christmas that I have a hard time focusing on being creative.  We will be sending fewer cards to family and friends, so I really wanted them to be special and unique. So today I've started playing around with some simple ideas with watercolours....I just want love and simplicity to convey our Christmas Blessing to our friends and family....I will keep you posted.

Until next time....happy creating


Friday, November 20, 2015

My Eyes Adore You

Today I spent time with my beloved, Bryce, driving him for his last cataract surgery. I'm/we are so glad this process is almost over. He has spent the last three weeks recovering from the first cataract surgery to now....tons of drops a zillion times a day, by Christmas this will all be in our past.

He will be "seeing clearly" by then. I love technology!!! The amazing medical miracles that can be done on a person in a very short period of time is remarkable.

Thank you for all your creative ideas that bring "new" ways into our everyday life.

Until next time.....happy creating.


Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Raining Cats and Dogs

It's November and the rains have's darker out, the sky is gray and wetter for sure. We do live in Victoria and expect some rain in November and December, but to me it seems we are getting a bit more this year! Yuck! Also, the terrorist attack in Paris have just left me feeling heavier in my heart and mind. Overall, I'm in a more reflective state rather than a creative one at this time.

Until next time....

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Have Courage

I thought that I would try a process with an art journal page(s). Hope this helps with anyone out there with "white page syndrome"!

I started this piece with a page coated with gesso, threw down some yellow and blue acrylics, lots of water, smugged the pages together and let dry.
Stage 1....lots of colour....

Then I glued some torn stripes of paper down, then stencilled with gesso a pattern of small rectangles. Let dry completely.

Stage 2....add lots of texture.....

I'm really liking the white polka dots peaking through. 

I decided to add some circles. I have these Faber-Castel gelatos, so I thought "let's use these to outline the circles". Also I sprayed some Dylusions along with water to help it drip down the page.  I didn't start out with a plan or a specific idea, but as one works with the piece, usually an idea will appear! I'm really happy with the progress....still waiting for the magicical "theme". One thing to remember is to apply a coat of clear gesso in order to write on top of the surface.

So here is the finished piece.

Until next....happy creating

Thursday, November 5, 2015


I consider myself to be in the most perfect time of my life's journey. I'm young enough to reap the benefits of hard work, yet wise enough to know myself and my own limitations.

I've just spent the most amazing 5 days with my two lovely granddaughters. I personally was too tired to do much creating of a "painterly" nature...but I made up for it by baking witches fingers, cupcakes, carving pumpkins and letting the girls use my art supplies! What a rewarding experience this was and I would jump at the chance to do this again!

I was going through some art journal pages that I had completed earlier in the year and these two pages sum up my feelings of the week! "Measure everyday with joy and love".

I am so blessed...and I give thanks, everyday! I wish the two pages would fit side by side; just another learning curve......

Until next time....happy creating

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Little Gems

There are lots of times when paintings and good ideas just don't pan out and are unsuitable for completion. Instead of tossing these pieces into the recycle bin, I cut the whole painting up (usually a sheet of watercolour paper) into small 5" x 3.5" or 4" pieces. Then I just gather them all up and set aside until I need a handmade card.

These little gems come in handy for backgrounds, add ons and full mini paintings. I get to create a unique, one of a kind, mini work of art that can be made into a card that is personal and contains a little piece of you.

Here is a sample of one of my "little gems" before and after.

Until next time....happy creating
