Tuesday, January 30, 2018

The Last Days in January

This January was five weeks long, almost five weeks. It was bitterly cold, bright and sunny and we walked everyday!

I spent a lot of time creating and musing just to keep the juices flowing.

Here are a few examples:

Until next time....happy creating

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

The Weather in Ottawa

I accept that we now live in Ottawa and yes, the weather in winter really sucks! Today, after overnight freezing rain, the sidewalks and roads are thick with slush. A small dog would drown crossing the street! It's also very overcast and therefore, I am unable to photograph my newest little piece.

So I decided to work on a puzzle of a winter landscape by Casson...one of Canada's famous Group of Seven.

Until next time...happy creating

Friday, January 19, 2018

Love Butterflies!

I do love butterflies and right now at the Museum of Nature there is a fabulous exhibit with butterflies from Costa Rica. It was time to create a mixed media with a "butterfly" theme.

Here it is. I love it!
Butterfly Love

Until next time...happy creating

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

I Thought It Was A Good Idea At The Time!

Since I've had so much more time to work on my creative side; I'm fine that sometimes my idea doesn't work out.

I thought, "Why not sketch Vintage Fashion" especially from the 50's. After a Pinterest search, I found lovely outfits, however I am NOT, repeat NOT a "Fashion Illustrator"! After about five sketches, I realized that "Fashion" sketching is not my bag. Some of the dresses are not symmetrical some too hippy. Maybe in the nicer weather when I can be outdoors sketching "fashion windows", I might be more interested.

Until next time...happy creating

Friday, January 12, 2018

January's Mixed Media Challenge

The monthly challenge:

make a Page
add Washi tape
use something recycled
use blue
add sparkle
favourite saying

The recycled part is the failed watercolour painting, the sparkle is the green paint - it's iridescent unfortunately it doesn't show up on the photo.

Well, I ended up with three painting in one....a full sheet, and two halves...they both work.

The Butterflies Are Free

Until next time.....happy creating

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

I'm Done With The Birds...for now!

Congratulations to me! Yes, I am very proud that I set out to accomplish a "small painted series" that I have named "My Birds".

My intention is use up every piece of blank substract that I have because I'm am totally broke! No money coming in for me at least for two years! I had these archival matte boards, eight, all the same size and I thought, "perfect for a mixed media challenge", hence "My Bird" series. I learned so much about collage and different papers; what works and what doesn't work; even the style of image...I found out through this process that the pieces I enjoyed doing the most were more realistic then the whimsy birds. The next time I want to complete more of these little gems (10.75" x 8.5") I will concentrate on more realistic birds using the wonderful Japanese papers. I am currently expecting a package from Amazon. I had to order new slippers, so I tact the speciality papers to the order so that I didn't have to paid for shipping. It's a no brainer...win win!

In the end, I managed to complete six wonderful examples of my interpretation of collaged birds. Here they are:


Until next time....happy creating

Friday, January 5, 2018

Not Every Piece Meets My Expectation

I have been working on these mixed media birds and felt quite confident that I could complete all eight boards with "perfect finished works of art" not so.

I failed horribly in my attempt to create a nest among the trees...I learned a lot but the challenge to create this piece is not over. I can't bring myself to complete this piece at the moment. I'm sure that there will be "several" attempts sometime in the future.

Until next time....happy creating

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Happy New Year!

First day of January, 2018 bitterly cold here in Ottawa -26 degrees celsuis! Man that's cold. However, I walked with the walking group braving the cold. It wasn't too bad either as there was no wind.
We rang the new year in at 7 pm with our three little grandkids, popped open a bottle of sparkling pink lemonade and danced till bedtime - 7:30 pm. We were home and snug in bed by 9:30 pm, all the outdoor festivities in Ottawa were cancelled due to the extreme cold. Not very Canadian!

I am wishing for a peaceful year ahead filled with grandchildren and art...definitely not moving!

Yesterday I finished another of the bird series....it's growing five completed ones!




Until next time...happy creating