Tuesday, December 5, 2017

I'm Seeing Red

I couldn't believe it! When we opened the mail, we had a ticket of $325 for going through a red light! One second! I couldn't believe it. The 3 photos of our car going through a red light at an intersection in Ottawa! Holy cow! I felt sick about it, I also don't remember even being aware that on November 17th I went through a red light. It is just not done! We have put the car away for the winter and I probably only drove the car 2 or 3 times in November. Gosh this moving, the expense of moving...no job....I feel sooooooo poor right now. Since the middle of November, I have consciously tried not to spend any money...not on coffees, or treats or wine for that matter! I've told a couple of people that, "I'm on a spending DIET"! I just want to get back on track! I know that it takes about a year, but it's two more years before I get my CPP and OAS. Patience!

The next time I see "red" is in my art journal!

Until next time....happy creating

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