Monday, April 15, 2019

Nature DrawingDraw

Well I've finished my assignments for week 2..

Tonal exercise
Draw with details three objects from Nature
Until next time....happy creating

Wednesday, April 10, 2019


So the "Faces" project for this year hasn't been going well. I'm still drawing the face, real or whimsical but I feel a bit bored by the experience. So instead of beating this project to death, I'm moving on.

I have a couple of other ideas. One is a "fairyland" theme. This magical and whimsical theme is to support a story that I would like to illustrate for the grandchildren sometime. Yes a big project, but just very early stages of forming the story and illustrations.

Another project, I am currently involved in is an online course from Australia, Drawing Nature, Science and Culture. I've only just begun this six week course but I am hoping to improve my drawing/sketching skills as well as to help in keeping me "creating" for the next few weeks while we get some better weather happening in Ottawa. Mother Nature is being a bit cruel lately with record snowfalls in April.

Finally, I am currently working on a large 36 x 36 canvas acrylic impressionistic painting commissioned by my wonderful and supportive hubby....and I want to document my progress..

Until next time....happy creating

The "underpainting"
Second stage