Sunday, January 27, 2019

More Faces

I have been struggling with the quality of the paper and I have decided to use pencil more and watercolour on watercolour paper only. Hopefully this will show more of an improvement as time goes on.

Until next time....happy creating

Monday, January 21, 2019

More Faces....

I know that I haven't quite kept up with a drawing a day, lots of traveling and dental work and life just get in the way. Anyways. I do believe that I am only two drawings behind.

Here are the latest.... I know most are a bit scary.....but I promised myself to practice and be accountable.

Until next time....happy creating

Saturday, January 5, 2019

The First Five

So far I've done 5 watercolour or watercolour pencil sketches of faces. I know it's a day early for posting, but I'm travelling and won't be posting until I return the week of January 15th.

Improvements are expected, I hope.

Until next time....happy creating

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Welcome in 2019!

Well, well...deep, deep thoughts for my creative self. Not much is happening in that department right now! I took quite a long break in November/December not posting a lot, just enjoying the space and time to reflect and try and figure out what I'm going to focus on this year. Well, so far not a lot is appearing to me. As a result, this morning I thought to myself, why not just concentrate on ONE element - like "a face a day"! This can be a quick sketch, a mixed media, watercolour, acrylic one any size; whatever I decide - just ONE a day for the year. Yes it's a challenge, but seriously I need a push now and then and who knows I may find my STYLE while doing this!

I will only be posting these once a week - let's commit to Sunday's. However the first two Sundays I am travelling so I will be late. I WILL be ACCOUNTABLE for the daily challenge and will post ALL renderings when I return from St. Maarten's!

Until next time...happy creating