Wednesday, July 31, 2019

My Quiet Place

I entered my 36"x36" acrylic painting into a show called "Summer Inspiration" and it was chosen on to be used on the front of the it hangs centre stage along the Promenade Wall in the Shenkman Center. I'm pretty proud of my accomplishments1

"My Quiet Place"

The Invitation

Until next time...happy creating

Friday, May 10, 2019

Sketchbook Revival

This year I participated in Sketchbook Revival that lasted 14 days. Karen Adend was the host and she would introduce two instructors everyday to encourage your creative practice. One thing I learned, everyone has a different practice and it is all wonderful.

I was inspired by Laly Mille from France, on her process of creating. So, yesterday, I dived in. I was at a group art event, lots of talking and chatting and laughing, not precious about my layout or over thinking anything....this is what's not complete however I am very happy with the results so far.

Laly Mille, picks out words that "speak" to her to begin her "story". It's not visible in this photo but the words, Still powerful, a notion of, romantic, young, sisters, quiet girls, is frightening were the words that stood out for me. And the number 4. This is truly amazing as my older, estranged sister contacted me after many years. There are four girls in my family. The two butterflies represent the "mature" adults of her and myself. Unbelievable! A lot for me to process, but it's a wonderful beginning.

Until next time....happy creating

My Quiet Place

I finished the 36" x 36" acrylic painting requested by Bryce. Here it is.....

Until next time...happy creating

Monday, April 15, 2019

Nature DrawingDraw

Well I've finished my assignments for week 2..

Tonal exercise
Draw with details three objects from Nature
Until next time....happy creating

Wednesday, April 10, 2019


So the "Faces" project for this year hasn't been going well. I'm still drawing the face, real or whimsical but I feel a bit bored by the experience. So instead of beating this project to death, I'm moving on.

I have a couple of other ideas. One is a "fairyland" theme. This magical and whimsical theme is to support a story that I would like to illustrate for the grandchildren sometime. Yes a big project, but just very early stages of forming the story and illustrations.

Another project, I am currently involved in is an online course from Australia, Drawing Nature, Science and Culture. I've only just begun this six week course but I am hoping to improve my drawing/sketching skills as well as to help in keeping me "creating" for the next few weeks while we get some better weather happening in Ottawa. Mother Nature is being a bit cruel lately with record snowfalls in April.

Finally, I am currently working on a large 36 x 36 canvas acrylic impressionistic painting commissioned by my wonderful and supportive hubby....and I want to document my progress..

Until next time....happy creating

The "underpainting"
Second stage

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Spring Faces

While technically these aren't human faces, but I couldn't resist the Easter Bunny cuteness. I spent the whole week painting these happy little rabbits.

Until next time....happy creating

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Oops, I Forgot to Post!

Time sometimes just gets away from me!

A couple of more faces....still not completely finished!

A Selfie.....mixed media sketchbook!
Mixed media whimsy girls....

Until next time...happy creating

Sunday, March 3, 2019

More Works in Progress

This spread is's in a journal - mixed media
This is a "self portrait" WIP
WIP - mixed media "snow owl"
Just Breathe In The Scent - WIP
Love Spring - WIP

Until next time....happy creating

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Sunday Update

Here are a few more faces.....

Until next time....happy creating

Sunday, February 3, 2019

No Faces

Sorry I've been busy with dental work, kiddos and well just lots of extreme cold and cloud as a result I gave myself "permission" not to work on faces this week.

Until next time....happy creating

Sunday, January 27, 2019

More Faces

I have been struggling with the quality of the paper and I have decided to use pencil more and watercolour on watercolour paper only. Hopefully this will show more of an improvement as time goes on.

Until next time....happy creating

Monday, January 21, 2019

More Faces....

I know that I haven't quite kept up with a drawing a day, lots of traveling and dental work and life just get in the way. Anyways. I do believe that I am only two drawings behind.

Here are the latest.... I know most are a bit scary.....but I promised myself to practice and be accountable.

Until next time....happy creating

Saturday, January 5, 2019

The First Five

So far I've done 5 watercolour or watercolour pencil sketches of faces. I know it's a day early for posting, but I'm travelling and won't be posting until I return the week of January 15th.

Improvements are expected, I hope.

Until next time....happy creating