Tuesday, October 31, 2017

2017 Christmas Card

Okay, I think I am brave enough to send out a "face" on this year's Christmas card. I had so much trouble with the nose and mouth for the "endearing pose". I need a lot more practice on side facing portraits.

Still have to let this piece settle in my mind...I'm thinking I need to add the detail in the halo!

The winner!

Until next time.....happy creating

Friday, October 27, 2017

Guess What!

It's that time of year, no not Halloween, but finding that "Christmas Card" image. So, yes I am trying to give myself lots of time to paint or just create that perfect image for loved ones.

This year should be more special because we have moved...yes, I know this subject is getting old. However, when I think about what Christmas means to me; it contains images of warmth, love, mother, child, stars....who knows what I will come up with!

Until next time...happy creating

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Farewell Gerry Stephenson

I'm a little behind in creative works these days, as I attended a friend's funeral in Kitchener-Waterloo. Very, very sad eulogy by son, Andrew and very touching, there wasn't a dry eye in the pews. The part that is so emotional for me, is that, Marilyn is left behind after 50 years of togetherness, I can't imagination her loss. For Marilyn, it's going to be even harder as she has Parkinson's and relied on Gerry for so much. Gerry was 75.

When someone is taken so suddenly, it reminds me to be thankful everyday, don't sweat the small stuff and say "I love you" often. Laugh everyday no matter what the circumstances.

Gerry, you would have been extremely proud and touched by your family and friends...I'm sure you were watching.....


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Shaylee's Whimsy Girl

Just wanted to show another whimsy girl that I did for my nieces' daughter, Shaylee. She loves purple and pink and all things sparkly.

Crystal Girl (mixed media)

Until next time...happy creating

Friday, October 13, 2017

Friends from Lake to Sea

I treasure many things, even though I've given a lot up. One of those treasures' are friends. Friends that I have met since 2000 that have left a profound impression on me of gratitude. So this week we are returning to an old stomping ground - Peterborough County. So many of our friends have returned to their former roots, like us, have followed children and grandchildren...and many more are leaving to do just that. So we are "catching up" with some old golf buddies (is 80 old?), some family members that are older that still feel as if they are 80? Yup Aunt Nora is 92 and Uncle Don is....???up there somewhere.

Since we have moved back to Ontario we have had so re-connections it's crazy. We even have friends from Victoria visiting us and loving Ottawa so much, they came back to re-visit again. They all miss Bryce...his sense of humour and laid back attitude. I am so very lucky to have all these folks in my life.

There is a lot of turmoil in the world with the Trump administration in the USA. However, I am so thankful I live in Canada and that I am Canadian!

Until next time...happy creating

Finding the Time....

I realize that sometimes one doesn't have anytime to create. Be it family commitments, work, illness, friends...but to me that's an excuse. I have created so much more even though I've moved across the country (doesn't include the months of packing up stuff), working at Hudson Bay (I don't do that anymore), family commitments and visitors. Still, I have managed to eek out 5-10 minutes per day and six months later I'm still doing this.

I know that within a very short few weeks, the weather will be turning and I don't mean in a nice way! Yup, the yucky stuff is coming like it or not! So, when I do have endless time, I can look back into my sketchbooks and say...oh yeah, I was working on a "Princess/Disney" group of whimsy faces. I can also take those 30 day challenges (in my case "a Face a Day") and elaborate for bigger and larger pieces. I have suddenly realized that I have an amazing amount of sketches to work from and these are all "whimsy" faces. I could even paint/draw "real portraits as well". Remember in January of this year I had a real fear of portraits and faces. Loving them now!

So, while I am enjoying visiting museums and art galleries, which by the way "fill me up" and walking, golfing and exploring my new surroundings (that also fill me up); there is plenty of future indoor creative art that I can do for an entire day, not just 5-10 minutes.

I am looking forward to those quiet days, with the wind and snow blowing, and I am all cozy creating in my new home.

Until next time....happy creating

Tuesday, October 10, 2017


We just celebrated our Thanksgiving weekend. Our first for Ottawa in thirty five years! Now that we are living here, there will be many such celebrations.

Over dinner, everyone including the grandchildren listed "What they were thankful for". The common statement was "our family"...even little 2 year old Roger.

When I look back at all the past celebrations that I have had the opportunity and joy to give, my heart soars with pride at my legacy. I wanted to create a loving, giving and supportive family and I think that I've accomplished that so far. Yes there are times when children squabble and couples argue, that's allowed as long as there is forgiveness.

My own siblings are scattered and some are no longer a part of our lives. That is out of my control. In my heart I wish this was different and we could all come together to celebrate each other. There is more love in the world than we know, too bad the media focuses on the "bad and destruction".

I am extremely thankful for my family, extended family, and little ones; my health and the love of my life "Bryce"! I feel totally blessed.

Until next time....happy creating

Friday, October 6, 2017

October Challenge

I have signed up for the October Challenge: with a group "Soul Brush Sessions". I have given myself the task of completing all my lovely faces that are not finished....then draw and paint a face everyday after that. A huge commitment for sure. However, I just need to start..

Here are a few that I have finished that are done on inexpensive drawing paper and watercolours with pen and tomboy markers:

Yellow/fuchsia...my summer watercolour
Black Beauty

Until next time...happy creating

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Catch-Up Time

October 3rd and I am making a few promises to myself:

1. Start looking for a sketch group with more convection. Winter is coming!!!

2.  Finish all those "lovely ladies" .... at least one a day.

3.  Start exercising daily... not just going for a walk, but with weights, treadmill etc.

4.  Start eating mindfully and no wine for at least 30 days. I have to loose 10 pounds before Christmas. So no sugar, limited carbs and no WINE.

So that's my plan.

I started exercising October 1st, started eating a low carb, no sugar, no wine on October 2nd and I finished two lovelies, one yesterday and one today.  Oh yeah, I a met a "urban sketcher" from Salmon Arm, BC and we are meeting next week (Friday).

I'm on a roll.....

Watercolour sketch...practicing the face and whimsy
Woodland Night Goddess (week 38)
Paper Cut Out - an interesting process

Until next time...happy creating