We are well into 2017 now and I have been so excited and creative all at once! That's gotta be a first!
I was away on Tuesday and couldn't do my regular post...I apologize for missing because, yes I have been a busy bee,
I've signed up for a year long, on-line, mixed media course and I got my first lesson a day before January 1st and I got on it!
This is just the beginning. To face (literally) my fears on drawing and faces. I know that by the end of the year I will feel a lot more confident about drawing faces. Right now I am concentrating on developing a "whimsical" face based on my grandchildren. The first drawing/watercolour is without any instruction - the second is definitely an improvement, because I returned home and could watch the video on "how to draw a whimsical face" and I just adapted the lesson to fit my criteria. I really enjoyed the lesson a lot and I plan to redo the first attempt.
I also want to note, that I am working on 90 lb. bristol paper and not the recommended 140 lb, hot pressed, watercolour paper as I already have the bristol on hand and watercolour is way too expensive to purchase. I just have to be mindful of the amount of water I use. Also, I adapted some parts of the lesson because of waste and to "cut-out the girl" only to glue her onto a background I felt was not necessary. We will see how this goes. Anyways here are my results:
"Star Girl" - first attempt and using mostly watercolour paints
Here are my attempts.....
"warm-up" exercise
"Love Girl" - 2nd attempt
Until next time....happy creating