Friday, December 30, 2016

2016 Comes To A Close

It's a bittersweet ending to 2016. That said, Bryce and are blessed with wonderful friends and fabulous health! What more can we ask for? Maybe winning the lottery!

This past year I have really transformed my art into a daily practice through several personal challenges and I have set new ones for 2017. I've sketched in Spain, in France and I'm most likely going to sketch in Portugal and in South America, Peru!

I have more confidence and can sketch and paint in public with more ease. Who knows where my "creative journey" will take me, but I am in the "present"!

Happy 2017!

Until next time... happy creating 

Tuesday, December 27, 2016


We celebrated Christmas in Victoria this year, just the two of us. I spent the entire day drawing and trying to come up with a couple of "characters" based on my granddaughters to use in the Life Book 2017. The year long course starts in a week and I would love to use these little darlings in my life, as my Muse! I hope they don't mind.

Until next time...happy creating 

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Life Book 2017

I've taken the plunge....and signed up for an online art course that runs for 52 weeks. Not only do I get to learn new techniques, meet new people from around the world, I get to play with paper and all my lovely art supplies! Yeah! The course starts on January 2nd and on every Monday for the rest of the year!

It looks like a great year ahead!

Until next time...happy creating 

Sunday, December 18, 2016

A New App

One of the most frustrating things with technology, is that sometimes applications change, disappear or stop working completely! This is where I'm at! BlogSpot will no longer be supported with my devices like the IPad or IPhone. So yesterday I broke down and purchased the recommended App to use....

Today, I thought "yes" I would give it a try. I now just get a message "please purchase App" aargh...

Until next time.....happy creating 

Dizzy December

I have to admit that I am not "a super woman"! Actually I've known for quite some time now. Aha!  I'm working a seasonal shift at Hudson's Bay; after my quick trip to Vancouver, I always seem to bring home a gift, this year it's a head cold! As a result, I really need to pamper myself and not add any more pressure to my life. On that note, I may or may not be so creative this month! So if anyone is out there expecting great creative ideas and art work, it most likely will not happen until next year.

For all those reading, I wish you all a "magical and joyful" merry Christmas and a fabulous 2017!

Until next year.....happy creating 